Instructional DVDs from SalsaCrazy
Would you like more time to repeat sections of class or slow down the pace? Instructional DVDs offer a great way to do this. SalsaCrazy started dancing around the same time as Jake, and his style is similar to what we teach, focusing on good solid skills for social dancing. Note that good technique applies to ALL dancing!
In the S.F. Bay Area, there are a number of experienced teachers to choose from and clearly a great way to learn dancing is via live instruction. We of course recommend that you attend our classes and consider private instruction to fine tune your technique, which is critical for dancing well. Some people also really like video dance instruction because they can rewind and play back over and over to get the material.
At this time, SalsabyJake does not directly offer any instructional DVDs. We have however reviewed DVDs from SalsaCrazy, also known as Evan. SalsaCrazy started around the same time as Jake in the BayArea Salsa scene. He's attended many of our classes and we share many of the same goals when it comes to dancing, such as good technique and an eye towards teaching people good social dance skills rather than hardcore performance dance. So, we can heartily recommend the SalsaCrazy Dance DVD series to you if you would like a video choice to learn.
There are many different dance videos out there now, so BUYER BEWARE. Many are made hastily and present more of a "see and do" approach to instruction. They show a pattern, count it out once or twice and move on. We consider that more of a demonstration than true instruction! Remember, learning a bunch of patterns does little to help you become a dancer. If you don't know how to do the moves correctly and the technique behind the moves, they will be of much less utility to you. Learn good technique first, and patterns later (See our What We Teach section for a lot more on this.) Salsacrazy DVDs move at a very comfortable pace and convey more detail about the dancing which make them more beneficial.
In assocation wtih, SalsabyJake is offering these DVDs. So, click through on the banners below to browse and/or purchase DVDs. As always, we would love to hear any feedback you have about this product since we take our recommendations seriously!
Check out the SalsaCrazy Advanced Mastery System Click on the banner below for purchase.
Original SalsaCrazy DVD Series (pre-requisite to Advanced Mastery System..) :
Click on the banner below for purchase.
Keep on dancing and learning.. -Jake
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